너의 시선이 머무는 곳에 epi 3-4 review

It’s Friday again! That means another two episodes of 너의 시선이 머무는 곳에 (Where Your Eyes Linger) Why must these episodes be so short?! WHY?! We could watch this show for hours and in total with only four episodes being out, the show only totals about an hour. WE NEED MORE! But for now, we are going to talk about the latest two episodes. 시작 (shijak – let’s go)

No screenshots this episode. Apparently Viki has blocked all forms of screenshots. We get video but legit pictures to add to articles is kinda silly. But ok. Sorry this one won’t be filled with sexy boy goodness. 🙁


3화 – 도망치고 십은 순간 (dumangchigo shiboon seongan – ten minutes of one’s peace/escape)

This episode starts off where the second one left. The shower scene. BLESS! Otherwise we would’ve passed out. It continued to be a sweet moment between the two. With 강 국 washing 내 주’s hair, 내 주 repeatedly says it tickles, as well as trying to get 강 국 to wash up with him, he drops a sad bomb of how his hair being washed reminds him of his mother.

They then discuss the fact 강 국 now has a date with that annoying girl. Whether he’s doing it to make 내 주 happy, or to try and hide his feelings, we’re not sure, either way we don’t like the idea of him even looking at a female. (In the show, however in real life, if we weren’t all happily married, Eui Soo call us) 내 주 realizes that 강 국 has never been on a date before and chooses to be his ‘study partner’.  (a cliché we tend to love in Korean 만화 that now came to life in a K-drama)

As내 주 acts all cutesy and adorable to see how 강 국 reacts in the situation, 강 국 confused at first, realizes what his friend is trying to do, and gives the sexist little laugh/smirk that had us in a pool on the floor. 내 주 decides 강 국 needs more coaching and they bring in the bully, who has now become the comedic relief of the show. He is cute and funny and plays well off the other two main characters. We support.

내 주 brings up, along with never dating a girl, 강 국 has never kissed a girl. And then he does his ‘bad habit’ asking if 강 국’s heart fluttered. 강 국 doesn’t take that shiz lightly and as he pulls 내 주 towards him, he begs for him to stop torturing him and playing with his feelings.

What a way to end the episode. We desperately wanted their faces to smash against each other in what 내 주 called an 앵그리 키스 (aenguree kissu- angry kiss).

OUR FAV SCENE: The almost kiss scene was just so filled with tension we were bopping up and down wanting so much more. Their chemistry really does fill the screen and our bodies.

Our cutest scene: The breakfast scene. A hot man making breakfast, for another hot man. The flirting, while fake, still made us giggle as we watched 강 국 give that smirk. Yes, we are still not over that smirk.    

Our least fav scene: Shockingly, we didn’t have a scene we didn’t like in this episode. (That chick wasn’t in the episode. Lol.) We weren’t a fan of seeing 내 주 kiss a girl and having our poor boy 강 국 watch, but it made for the plot and explanation of an 앵그리 키스 .

4화 – 그림자에게 생긴 자아 – “gureemjaaygay saengginjaa- the ego of a shadow)

And this is where things started to get interesting. The first three episodes where all narrated by 강 국, but this episode changed the game and we heard내 주’s thoughts and feelings. And being from his side we see more of his feelings for 강 국, which we have to admit confuse us. We aren’t totally sure of his feeling for 강 국. While 내 주, flirts and says things that would make anyone think he was trying to make his intentions known, seeing it from his side, we genuinely can say we don’t know if his feelings are genuine or not.

While 내 주 goes to his tutoring session, 강 국 waits patiently to go on his date. What bothers us is when 내 주 says ‘Go. It’s not like I’m going to get stabbed.” To us that seems like an odd thing to say and we have a very bad feeling about that statement for future episodes.

강 국 goes on the date with the blegh girl, and we shockingly liked her this episode. Well more than previously, still not our fav person on the show. But she cracked some jokes that made our 강 국 laugh so we approve. As they’re enjoying their date, 내 주 shows up out of the blue and even she questions what their relationship is. 강 국 explains that they have a master/servant relationship. Which내 주 hears and doesn’t like the sound of.

After the date, 강 국 and 내 주 meet up to get their ride home. 강 국 notices 내 주 doesn’t have his cast on his arm to which 내 주 states nonchalantly that it was fake. 내 주 climbs in the car telling 강 국 he should walk home since their relationship is only a master/servant relationship. What a petty man. We love it.

It ends with his inner thought explaining that his shadow (강 국) shouldn’t have a mind of it’s own. And that made us quake. And then boom. Episode over and we cried wanting more.

OUR FAV SCENE: The fav scene of this episode didn’t have either lead in it, but the bully turned bestie. Him and his crew occupy the leads’ secret spot in the school and are hanging out and are talking about why the lead bully is now close with 강 국 and 내 주. His response? Well he’s handsome. AMAZING! Even he can’t deny the attractiveness.

Our cutest scene: Can’t believe we’re going to say this but 강 국’s date was actually really cute. He was so cutely awkward we wanted to jump in and help him. But he seemed to be able to carry himself and actually ended up having a cute date.

Our least fav scene: We didn’t like hearing 내 주 call 강 국 his shadow. We understand why he said it, as 강 국 follows 내 주 around, but we don’t like the way he said it. It concerns us as to what he’s playing at. Like has he been playing with 강 국 this whole time or does he really care.  

If you want to watch the show yourself and see everything we talked about and more, the show is airing on Viki. Check it out. So far we have not been disappointed and neither will you. If you want to chat about the show feel free to reach out to us on Instagram (@koreanfromcontext) or Twitter (@koreanfrmcntxt). We would love to hear if you’ve started the show and what you think!