From the company that brought us the adorable, soul crushing drama, Where Your Eyes Linger (너의 시선이 머무는 곳에 – noweeshee sonee momoonoon gutae), we are being gifted another Boys Love (BL) Korean Drama! 미스터 하트 (meesootoh hatuh – Mr. Heart)
Remember how soul crushing Where Your Eyes Linger was due to its short episodes and only being 8 episodes long? Well, this drama isn’t going to make you feel better as it is only set to be THREE episodes long. We admit, we threw our computer down when we saw that news. Here at K.F.C, we are hoping that since there are less episodes, they will be longer than 10 minutes. If not, we might have to fly our buts to South Korea, quarantine for two weeks, then find the director and throw some hands.
But we also don’t want to throw hands because the fact that WStory keeps us well fed with BL dramas, no matter the length, is reason enough not to complain. We have to support and keep them growing as the name that made BL Korean Dramas mainstream. So everyone who reads this: STAN WSTORY!
This drama, like Where Your Eyes Linger, also features a Produce 101 alumni, Lee Se Jin, who plays Sang Ha. A boy who loves to run fast, but not for long periods of time. Cheon Seung Ho, another idol/actor, plays Jin Won, a long distance runner who is on track (see what I did there) to becoming a world renowned marathon star, whose only goal is to be the best.
But when Jin Won starts being unable to maintain his times his coach decides he needs a pacemaker. Cue our little cutie Sang Ha. Of course, Jin Won is not a fan of this setup and is determined to ignore Sang Ha at all costs. And in like any hate to love story, that obviously doesn’t work. They become friends, but when their relationship changes from friends to possibly more can they make that move and not ruin everything they were working so hard to accomplish?
We will find out when the show premieres September 18th on Viki. How excited are you for this drama? If you want to chat about the show feel free to reach out to us on Instagram (@koreanfromcontext) or Twitter (@koreanfrmcntxt) or even TikTok (@koreanfromcontext). We would love to hear your thoughts on this upcoming show!