Teuida is the BEST app to learn Korean!

               We are a website dedicated to teaching you how to learn Korean. And while our website offers some amazing ways, like Seoul Searching (a k-drama like romance story), we also know that people need more than one way to learn. Having options is necessary. We have already made a list of some of our favorite sites and apps that have been very helpful in our learning adventure. But this past week we found one that has surpassed all the previous. (This is our opinion remember, so if it doesn’t work for you, we totally understand it might not be the best in your eyes.)

               Welcome to Teuida.

               One night, while doing the usual social media scroll, an ad popped up on our Instagram feed. While usually we would scroll past or watch the ad for a few seconds and then scroll, we were intrigued by the question being asked.

               “What’s the point of learning a new language if you can’t speak it?”

               Well color us intrigued by such a tagline. We sat back and continued to watch the ad. Oh let’s add the fact they had Nancy of Momoland trying to hold a conversation with someone (you) who couldn’t hold said conversation with her. It grabbed our attention and suddenly we were in the app store and watching the little square downloading onto our homepage.

               In the first five minutes of launching the app we were blown away. That’s not an exaggeration. We couldn’t understand how this concept had not been produced before and we are glad we now know it now exists. Let us explain:

               This app has levels. In the levels are the different lessons. The best part? This is all audio/visual! Which is, in our opinion, the best way to learn. A person will pop up, explain a phrase, and ask you to repeat after them. Using your microphone, they test your pronunciation. And it’s a rather good judgement on the pronunciation. (We can admit we’ve gotten some B’s and had to retake lessons once or twice. Even a C on one we really struggled with.)

               But that’s not even the best part of the app. At the end of every lesson is a POV scenario where you speak to whatever person it is in that scenario. Meeting Nancy from Momoland, going out to eat with a boy you have a crush on, interviewing someone for a job, learning what your friends like and dislike, so on and so forth. It puts you in real world scenarios from the comfort of your own home! These levels carry over the lessons learned into other lessons and levels to keep your mind fresh.

               And these levels are being updated weekly and there are more coming! Seriously this app is one of the best we have found in a long time.

               Here is where we mention that yes, some of it is free. But to get the full capacity of education you will need to purchase a subscription. They have three options. One month ($9.99), three months ($20.99), and one year ($59.99). The prices are rather reasonable for what they’re offering, but to be honest they actually run sales fairly often to help out us broke beeshs who want to learn but can’t throw down all that money. With that being said, we reached out to Teuida to tell them how much we loved their app and they offered us a coupon code to share with ya’ll! If you use the coupon CONTXT you will get 10% off your purchase! So that $59.99 price tag gets cut down to $54.99! Not bad for a year’s worth of comfortable and extremely useful learning.

               Check out Teuida and get immersed in the culture from the comfort of your bed (Since we can’t travel to Korea just yet).