Travel NYC like Seungmin and Hyunjin of Stray Kids
Stray Kids went a lot of different places while being here in New York. And since they’re coming back NEXT WEEK, we decided to do one more before they arrive. Some of the spots we loved (Like when they visited The Roxy hotel, and DUMBO) and some we legitimately try to stay as far away from as possible (like Penn Station and now this new spot).
This spot is actually somewhere we had talked about and been to when ASTRO came to town. Yes, that’s correct. We went back to Times Square. JUST. FOR. YOU! To a section we actually have never even been close to if we’re being honest. We had seen it in videos, pictures, and we knew where it was but since it was in Times Square we avoided it like the plague.
Famous from the Alicia Keys and Jay-Z music video for “Empire State of Mind” those bright red stairs actually hold TKTS, an infamous Broadway ticket selling broker. We say infamous because they say they sell tickets cheap, when really they are the same, if not more than face value for the tickets. Fun fact if you come to NY and want to see a show…don’t go there.
The spot has now become an Instagram mecca for the tourists who come to see Times Square. And the boys of Stray Kids hopped on that bandwagon. And what they do, we do. And we have to admit…
It was pretty cool. Actually really cool. Yes, we will admit that something in Times Square was worth going to see. Between Broadway and 7TH Ave, on 47th St. you will find these large red stairs to climb up and see the enormity of Times Square. And you can snap your shot and check another location off your list as you have now travelled like Seungmin and Hyunjin of Stray Kids.
Queen’s Channel Sits on a Throne of Quality Content
Queens Channel on YouTube has amassed a following with her cute reactions to MV’s from predominantly Asian artists and dance videos from all over the world! We met her almost two years ago and we knew she was some of the good people. We got to sit down and chat with her at KCON to discuss everything KPOP!
Back in 2012, her mom was the one to be the ultimate fangirl of K-pop. “TVXQ and Super Junior were the ones she was really into. And so I would listen to them with her. From there I got hooked and started finding more groups.”
Queen made it her own. She had always been into dance and seeing all the amazing choreography of the artists made her want to follow along. And so she started actually doing it. Watching videos and following along until she was a pro just like them.
And honestly her dancing is some dope stuff. She also freestyles which blows our minds. (for reference: We can do the cha cha slide…) We asked her what her favorites song at the time was to dance to. She responded fairly quickly, “BlackPink’s 뚜두뚜두 – ddudduddu. It’s just a great song to dance to.”
With all of this behind she still hadn’t made her debut on the internet. What pushed to her start her YouTube channel? Once again, her family had a large influence on that. They brought it up with her growing passion for dance and her love of watching the videos, why not share that with the world and find other people like her. “I wasn’t sure at first, because I was still in school and wasn’t sure I had time. But I decided to give it a try and before I knew it, the channel grew a life of it’s own and now I’m doing YouTube part time.”
Now that YouTube has become a part time career for Queen, we wanted to know her favorite aspect of the channel. She loves making the videos, reacting to new music, practicing dances, all that kind of stuff. But she loves the interaction with all the people who have been there to watch her grow into what she is today, a channel with almost 10K subscribers and a loyal fanbase (us included) who wait patiently for her next videos. She says she is, “forever grateful for the love and support.”
And in true Korean From Context form, we asked the most loaded question we have asked in every interview so far:
What’s the Korean phrase you want people to know?
It did take her a little while to think of one. There were so many she wanted to choose from but she finally chose one that is probably the most rational. “저기요 (chogiyo -excuse me) If you need to get someone’s attention politely it’s your best bet.” After wrapping up our interview we spent the entire two days of Kcon NY together meeting new people and old friends, eating delicious food, and bonding over our love of kpop, kdramas, and Korean skincare. She is one of the kindest most generous people we have met and here at Korean From Context, we are so insanely proud of everything Queen has accomplished and recommend you check out her work. Below is one of her many videos. If you like what you see head over to her channel and hit that subscribe button. And def check out her Instagram @ji_q111) where she posts previews to her new dance videos!
Travel NYC Like Sang Yeon, Jacob, and Sun Woo of The Boyz
We were hype when KCON NY 2019 announced one of our fav rookie groups, The Boyz, were performing. We were even more hype that The Boyz made the absolute most of their trip to NY. They traveled up and down the city, and even into the borough of Brooklyn. We find it funny how ‘hip’ Brooklyn has become in the last ten or so years.
We’ve grown up going to Brooklyn as a couple of us have family there. When we told our families that these kpop idols keep coming to the area they laugh. And when we told Sammie’s mother where we were going to take pictures of this location her eyes went wide with worry.
“I wouldn’t be caught dead there…actually I would probably end up dead there,” she explained, not making us feel all that great about making the trek up that way. But after doing our research we found that the area has definitely changed since her mother had lived in any of the boroughs.
The area of Brooklyn, named Bushwick, is now filled with breweries, beer gardens, restaurants, and insane street art. Seriously, the street art covers almost all the old factories now turned hipster shops, and apartments. This was another location we could’ve spent an entire day and not gotten enough pictures.
This corner we shot was a part of their “D.D.D” music video. There are actually several locations in the vicinity of this particular one. We will cover those in future articles.
Like The Roxy, where Stray Kids visited, this awesome crossroads is three street corner mish mosh. The intersection is Troutman St., Scott Ave., and St. Nicholas Ave.
We enjoyed living out a Beatle’s crossing Abbey Road scenario to get this photo and we hope you will too when you travel NYC like Sang Yeon, Jacob, and Sun Woo of The Boyz.
Travel NYC like Bang Chan, Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin of Stray Kids
On a hot summer weekend in NYC, the heat not only radiated from the sun above but off the concrete below causing us to want to spend the whole day in the nice cool AC of our hotel room. But no! We were determined to go hunting for travel spots. With our list as long as Priyanka Chopra’s veil, we ventured out into the jungle.
Hopping onto the subway, we made our way to the always entertaining area of SoHo (short for South of Houston). A place filled with amazing restaurants, cool shops, and all around fun stuff to adventure and find.
On this adventure we were going to a place we had actually never been, but knew from a movie called Two Weeks Notice (released in 2002). See how we have, are, and always will, love love. While they had put a different name on the building, Sammie’s mom had said she knew where the place was and had been with coworkers years prior.
When we watched “Stray Kids: 제 9구역 시즌2 ( chae 9 guyeok shijon 2 – the 9th district season 2) we loved seeing so many sights of the city we love, which will be showcased in future articles, but when we saw them walk past an iconic scene in RomCom history we paused and proceeded to screech. We knew the image very well.
Sandra Bullock running to save Hugh Grant Sandra Bullock had run to that very spot to find Hugh Grant had called her for the ‘emergency’ of not finding the right outfit to wear to an event. And our fan fiction hearts started imagining Jisung meeting us in one of the gorgeous rooms in the hotel for a romantic rendezvous, or Bang Chan ordering room service so we didn’t have to leave our room and simply spend time together, or Changbin buying us a drink while Hyunjin performed on the small stage in piano bar.
Stray Kids Bang Chan, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung outside The Roxy We knew we had to go. And so here it is. The Roxy Hotel is located at the intersection of 6th Ave, Church St. and White St. Yes, three roads all meet to make the area that is The Roxy Hotel. Outside is a gorgeous old black clock with a white face that reminds us of the clock in the historic Waldorf Astoria Hotel (which is currently closed).
Sammie outside trying not freak out too much that she was living out a childhood memory. After you see some art at a small local gallery, do some shopping at some cute boutique, get a gelato from the local creamery, or a drink down at one of the local pubs, go and relax in the gorgeous venue that is The Roxy Hotel so you can say you travelled NYC like Bang Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin of Stray Kids.
Travel NYC like Jin-Young of GOT7
Do you ever have one of those moments where you look at something and say, “Wait. This looks familiar.”?
After starting this “Travel NYC like _____” series, we realized we say that A LOT. Most of the time, while the buildings look similar, they are in fact, not the same. Which can be disheartening, but it hasn’t stopped us yet. And this is a tale of one of those times.
We will say, this picture was a challenge. Our lovely friend over at @starlightseungmin sent us this insta post of Jin-Young from GOT7.
brb just letting Sammie know she’ll never find me. -Jin-Young Gorgeous right? We’re talking about the waterfall obviously…*clears throat* anyway…
We wanted to find the place just for sheer amazement that there was a location like it in NYC. But Sammie had her own reasons.
When she was in High School, her and a friend skipped prom to roam around NYC. While on the adventure they stumbled upon an amazing waterfall tunnel. And to this day, almost 15 years later (omg we’re old), they still have not been able to find the mysterious passageway. Seeing another waterfall triggered Sammie and she became even more determined to find this one.
But even with our combined group of eyes, including Sammie’s mother, none of us had a clue where this place could be. We pushed it to the side for a lot of the other locations we knew where to find, and in time it had become forgotten.
Sammie had gotten out of work early one day, and was meeting her mother for their monthly mother/daughter date (a location The Boyz visited as well! Look forward to that in an upcoming post). They chose to kill some time and walk around to find a few locations they knew were near each other.
As they walked Sammie paused, smelling the fresh scent of misting water. If you’ve ever sprayed a hose, you know the smell of that scattered water as it nourishes the ground beneath your feet. The smell stopped her dead in her tracks. Water misting in NYC? How? WATERFALL!! She looked around frantically trying to find the source of the smell. Did she find the tunnel she had been always searching for since her high school days? Was it where Jin-Young chose to sit and relax and scroll through his phone?
She pulled her mom along the streets to follow the scent and she finally found its location. She ran over, seeing a restaurant where couples were out to a late lunch, a mother with her kid fresh out of school, some coworkers out for drinks, sitting by the side of a waterfall. It was at that moment she said, “Wait. This is familiar.”
The chairs were exactly the same as those in Jin-Young’s photo, the color of the marble/granite behind the waterfall was identical. But when she looked from the photo to where she stood, it wasn’t the same. So as that familiarity and hope subsided, she realized she had not found the spot she thought would never find in the first place.
She snapped a few photos as it was gorgeous either way, and she was resigned to keep a small hope alive to find the real scene.
Come on! They looked so similar! Walking away to move on to another location she saw her mom, a few steps ahead, stopped, looking off to what seemed like a small alleyway. Her face unreadable, Sammie ran up concerned her mom had stumbled upon a not so pleasant sight, but when she followed her mom’s line of sight and her jaw hit the floor.
A small waterfall with red marble/granite stairs, modern white metal chairs, flowers surrounding large trees, and the kicker? A building with a turret like structure with windows on each side.
Her mother had found where Jin-Young sat and enjoyed a nice spring day in New York.
Queen of the awkward poses? Our loving leader Sammie. Sammie wanted to cry. It was a gorgeous little hidden gem that she was shocked existed in Manhattan. Brooklyn? Sure. Queens? Maybe. But in the center of New York City? For real?! And yet, there it was. This gorgeous secluded, serene, majestic spot, that she had searched months for that her mother and her had simply stumbled on.
And so we get to share the location with you guys! This hidden spot is in an area not normally frequented by most tourists. The block (53rd st) is nestled in between the large office buildings, housing massive corporations (between Madison Ave & 5th) and a few blocks away from the MoMA. If you make your way into the city, this is definitely a chill place to relax after all your Traveling NYC like Jin-Young of GOT7.
IMFACT Makes Impact on NJ IF’s
Studio PAV did it again. They brought one of K.F.C’s favorite groups to a town near us and made an unforgettable night for hundreds of IF’s. If you’re not sure what an IF is, read on to not only learn what they are, but also become one!
The date? August 17th. The time? 4pm. The place? White Eagle Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey. Fans of the band Imfact, lovingly known as IF’s, waited excitedly to get into the venue to not only watch one of their favorite five membered bands perform but also meet and take group photos with them. And we were there to enjoy the party.
Imfact debuted in January of 2016 under Star Empire Entertainment. Consisting of five members, Jian, Ungjae, Lee Sang, Taeho, and Jeup, the group has pumped out solid single after solid single since their debut. Mixing up their styles from bubblegum pop, to hard rap pop, to their most recent style of build-to-a-sick-beat drop pop. We know these are not professional music terms but they make sense and describe perfectly IMFACT’s many era’s of music.
If readers are unfamiliar with Studio PAV, the company has brought bands that we would consider ‘underrated’ to the US to give their North American fans a shot to see their favorite small groups close to home. Bringing groups like VAV, Up10tion, Teep Top, and JJCC who would’ve most likely never made their way over here with any other company. What we love most about Studio PAV is what they offer to fans. Not only do VVIP/VIP fans get hi-touches and group photos, but after the show, fans can get one-on-one photos with their biases.
So kicking off in standard Studio PAV fashion, before the concert, fans were lined up, very well organized we might add, and brought into the venue to await receiving the album for the group members to sign. Once all the VIP fans received their signed albums, it was time for the hi-touch. Walking past all the members as we gave them high fives and they smiled and grabbed our hands just a little while longer than a simple high five to walk around behind them for a group photo where we posed, making our best finger hearts, grew the anticipation within us for what was next to come.
The concert.
The organized lines were then funneled calm, cool, and collected-ly in front of the stage for their special general admission spots. The actual general admission were placed a little further back behind the barricades. The excitement was building throughout the hall. Chants began and suddenly the lights went down and a small video began implying the show was about to begin.
The screams got louder as shadows moved around on stage. The stage lights came up and five amazingly talented men stood on stage. As they pumped out their hits like “The Light” and “Only U” they danced, some rather provocatively (looking at you Lee Sang), their hearts out and we could feel the energy radiating from them. They were as excited to be there as we were. We surmised they were giving it their absolute all since we were the last stop of the tour. Go big, and then go home. Lol. Following their latest songs they dove into some of the slower songs like, “In the club”.
After slowing it down, essentially giving themselves some time to calm their racing hearts and ours, they then went into their solo stages. Kicking it off was Lee Sang. Walking out onto the stage , guitar in his hand, he explained the song was for people who are struggling and how they need to hold on for the better days. It was so moving it even made members of the audience cry.
Ungjae was ready to make that stage his b*tch, for lack of a better phrase. Rapping over the backtrack of “Closer” by Chainsmokers, he rapped his deep voice out getting the audience to jump and dance to the beat.
What could possibly follow that up? Maybe a duet with Ungjae and Lee Sang? Yep. They. Did. THAT.
And then it was Jian’s turn. The opening beat of BTS’s “Mic Drop” flooded the speakers and the volume of the crowd strengthened. the boy not only rapped he danced so freakin hard we were astonished he had any sort of energy to continue the show after that.
The next two soloists were Taeho and Jeup, whose vocals made the whole room melt, and then probably the most iconic thing we’ve seen in K-pop concerts happened they both hit the stage for duet and what was it they started to sing?
How could it get more iconic? Oh, we know. Jian walking out in a white t-shirt and jeans with a half mic stand like Freddy Mercury to get the crowd to repeat his aye-o’s just like Freddy freakin Mercury. They did an entire medley of Queen songs! We will never forget that.
They all came back out dressed in sexy black suits to sing a cover of “Gangnam Style”, and then back to their original songs, performing their debut song “Lollipop”, and they finished the concert off with “Tension Up,” the song that got us into IMFACT.
This concert experience was a highlight of our summer concerts this year. In fact, we would positively say it was the BEST concert we have been to in quite some time. It could be because ever since we found out they existed, we had been dying for them to come to the US since we don’t know when we will make it to South Korea.
IMFACT delivered in both fan service and performances and we were sad the night had to end. But is almost didn’t end. At least for Sammie.
What are we talking about? Stay tuned for what is sure to be the saddest funniest thing you’ve ever read in your life. #waffledebacle
K-CON NY 2019 Presented by Toyota: The Preamble
K-con NY has two new places to call home this year. Since it’s inception in 2015, K-con NY hasn’t actually been in New York. It found itself in Newark, New Jersey, at the Prudential Center. Not a bad venue, but definitely not the best. While the concert was held within the building, the convention was held outside. Rain or shine. Hot as hell or cold as ice. Not an ideal location for fans to wait and potentially run into their idols. Unless they are all going for the soaking wet, shivering, or sunburnt to high heaven look.
But not anymore! K-con NY is making a big move. And will be held in none other than The Big Apple! Yes, this year it will actually be held in the city it got its title from. New York! (Just in case we weren’t clear on that) The convention will be held indoors (woo!) at the Javits Center, and the concert will be held a few blocks away at the famous Madison Square Garden (MSG).
And K.F.C is going to be there, taking you on our journey!!
We will be on our Instagram story giving you all the up to date information you could possibly want or need from KCON. And if you happen to be there, we will be posting where we are to come find us for our amazing freebies we are going to be handing out to all you amazing people!! Once you receive your freebies don’t forget to tag our insta, @koreanfromcontext, (maybe give us a follow if you haven’t already) and use out hashtag, #KFCdoesKCON
- 400 people will receive BTS photocards! (Some photos were taken at the last BTS performance at KCON NY!)
- 300 will receive 1 postcard of their choosing!
- 10 will be able to take home BTS magnets!
So find us quick! We can’t wait to meet you!
Hello to all the SAMFAM who come and read my story. Today’s post is not sadly not a chapter. I’m sorry! But next week you will get your fill of Hwan Soo and Maria. I promise!
Today, I am actually excited to talk about a new section of this website.
From the title of this post obviously you have figured it out. I am launching my portfolio on this site!
If you know me, and you are part of the SAMFAM, you know as a fun side project I have the amazing opportunity to go to concerts and photograph some amazing artists. It has become a hobby of mine the last few years and I want to have my own platform to showcase my work. While I am still learning, I am proud of some of the photos I have taken, yet I feel I haven’t had a place that I can post them all. Twitter will let me post four and where I write articles, while I can share a whole bunch of photos, the magazine is not focused or even remotely strongly covering Korean bands. I am the only writer on the team who does, and while it has some benefits, it also has it’s downfalls.
I decided it was time to put them in a place I could give them more of a platform. So I chose my own. No better place right? So in the next couple of weeks I will be working on posting both chapters and photos for all of your enjoyment.
If you see any photos you want, I am open to discussion of purchasing prints, photobooks, the like.